The Firm

Lledó García Aranda Lawyers is a Firm with more than 40 years of activity in the Legal Sector.
It has its origin in 1979, moved by the great passion that its founders shared; the practice of law.
Both Isidro Lledó Rodríguez and José Luis García Aranda began their vocation in the practice of law because they had relatives dedicated to this profession.
The enthusiasm for their work has become a way of life for them.
The Firm began by specializing in Civil, Commercial and Corporate Law.
Both have the primary objective of being thorough in their work, providing their experience and professional background in ensuring the welfare of companies and businesses they advise, standing out in the sector and being a benchmark of excellence in the same.
The vocation for the Law highlighted, since its birth, clear principles such as: thoroughness in the work, closeness, transparency with the clients and professional ethics.
When making decisions, the communication with their clients is continuous and decision-making is coordinated.

They are committed to “Preventive Legal Advice”: In order to carry out an operation, they study the matter in depth, to anticipate possible problems or conflicts, and to be able to solve them diligently and quickly, in the event of going to court.
In the same way and when it comes to litigation, they inform clearly about the legal strategy, the possibilities of success and mainly aim at reaching an Out-of-Court Agreement with the other party.
Lledó García Aranda Abogados is also a specialist in Insurance Law -having won many cases- and is an expert in the legal advice and defence of companies and individuals.
Lledó García Aranda Abogados is a law firm that combines its expertise in different areas of law.
It stands out for its specialisation and experience in Real State, Civil, Commercial, Corporate and Insurance Law.
Lledó García Aranda Lawyers if formed from the culture of effort.
From the beginning, the study and knowledge of the profession has been a constant source of improvement in the exercise of its work.
Proffesional ethics
The attitude of the members of the Firm is defined by ethics as a rule of life.
For this reason, this value, which is indispensable for any action, is practised in our daily work.
Lledó García Aranda Lawyers has as its main objective to stand out in the sector and to be an example of quality in the same.
Both Isidro Lledó Rodríguez and José Luis García Aranda are characterised by their great vocation, which leads them to enjoy their work.
Lledó García Aranda Lawyers puts at your disposal all their experience and professional background, investing their time to ensure the best possible functioning of your companies and businesses.
Multidisciplinary specialization
Lledó García Aranda Abogados is a Firm that combines its knowledge in different areas of Law.
It stands out for its specialisation and experience in Civil, Commercial, Corporate, Bankruptcy and Insurance Law.
Lledó García Aranda Lawyers aims at the prosperity of its clients in the most objective and independent way possible. The suggestions are, at all times, directed to benefit their represented.
Lledó García Aranda Abogados provides the best possible solutions by acting from the principle of two-way communication and transparency.
Personalized service
Lledó García Aranda Lawyers has as premise the understanding that each client and each case is unique, hence the individualized treatment in each moment.
Cordiality and closeness characterize the Firm in its personal relationships.